Digital Marknadsföring med Tony Hammarlund on Stitcher


Digital Marknadsföring med Tony Hammarlund - Podcast

Limit to First and Last. Let us understand what limit to first and last is. limitToFirst method returns the specified number of items beginning from the first one. const query = firebase.getDatabase ().collection ("users").where ("premium", "==", true) // get premium users.where ("totalPosts", ">", 0) // that have posted some music.orderBy ("totalPosts") Then, your pagination should repeat the exact same query, only this time with startAt to tell it where to pick up: return query.startAt (0); I'm using a FirebaseListObservable to retrieve some messages from firebase and I was wondering how to use the firebase query startAt() method inside the query object. It's not a simple startAt(value) call, since I need to pass in the optional "key" parameter.

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Can anyone help me with that? Thanks in advance! Firebase Android - startAt() and endAt() not working correctly? Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago.

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The limit of the Firebase Database here is that for the startAt() method you can only use the value of the property specified in the orderByChild() method. It seems startAt() and endAt() no longer need named parameters, and in fact the idea of priorities should be divorced from those methods as the newer Firebase Query API lets you start and end based on orderBy_ methods like orderByPriorit Firebase is a hosted noSQL solution from Google has some limitations regarding query support. Firebase only support startAt(), endAt(), and equalTo() conditions and not any form of fulltext support, let alone aggregations / facets.

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It seems startAt() and endAt() no longer need named parameters, and in fact the idea of priorities should be divorced from those methods as the newer Firebase Query API lets you start and end based on orderBy_ methods like orderByPriorit Firebase is a hosted noSQL solution from Google has some limitations regarding query support.
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