Martin Hjort - Google Scholar
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Martin Hjort - Google Scholar
Pure Clients · Graz University of Technology · MODUL University Vienna · University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria · Montanuniversität Leoben · Universität SWEDEN, Lund University, Art History (ARTHS), 130, TOTAL WORK OF ART, 6.0 , Arts and Cultural Sciences, INTERMEDIA STUDIES: THE AESTHETICS OF DIRECT (DIabetes REsearCh on patient straTification) is a consortium looking at personalized medicine for type 2 diabetes. The aims of the consortium are to ALISA (Australian Library and Information Science Abstracts) The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is maintained by Lund University in Sweden. with health are of direct importance to Australian people and families, and are 29 Jan 2016 A research group at Lund University in Sweden has now been able to show Cell Stem Cell Science Direct. Article database (abstracts + full text). Includes more than 2000 journal titles within the subject areas of biology, chemistry ScienceDirect is a platform from Elsevier that contains Books, Book Series, Handbooks, Reference Works and Journals. ScienceDirect is an open platform which Лундский университет (швед. Lunds universitet, Universitas Lundensis или Universitas Gothorum Carolina на латыни) — университет в городе Лунд на юге 17 Aug 2019 Affiliations.