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C. Darwin2 Poker Player Profile on Poker Stars. The poker player C. Darwin2 was first discovered by HighstakesDB on the high stakes tables of PokerStars on . Since then, a total of 69 poker hands have been tracked with C. Darwin2's results C. Darwin2 Poker Player Profile, C. Darwin2 Online Poker Rankings and Internet Poker Player Stats on pokerstars. MTT: 2019 PokerStars Tournament 3159005692 Entrants:105 Buy-In:1000.0 Rake:50.0 Currency:USD Game type:H Structure:NL Flags:B PokerStars Tournament 3161279550 Entrants:269 Buy-In:200.0 Rake:15.0 Currency:USD Game type:H Structure:NL Flags:B PokerStars Tournament 3159005719 Scores for C. Darwin2 on PokerStars This page displays tournament finishes by PocketFivers that meet our Leaderboard Criteria.

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Darwin2” Mattsson and Russian “Crazylissy” pick up huge wins in the High Roller Club, the Stadium Series Afterparty brings a six figure score for “IsultanchickI”, and SCOOP winner “Eleres88” wins Sunday Warm-up. Check out the highlights from this weekend’s action: C. Darwin2 Poker Player Profile on Poker Stars. C. Darwin2 Poker Player Profile, C. Darwin2 Online Poker Rankings and Internet Poker Player Stats on pokerstars. MTT: 2019 PokerStars Tournament 3159005692 Entrants:105 Buy-In:1000.0 Rake:50.0 Currency:USD Game type:H Structure:NL Flags:B PokerStars Tournament 3161279550 Entrants:269 Buy-In:200.0 Rake:15.0 Currency:USD Game type:H Structure:NL Flags:B PokerStars Tournament 3159005719 Joni "bustoville" Jouhkimainen opened for 240,000 from the button before he called a three-bet jam by Simon "C. Darwin2" Mattsson from the big blind to 1,376,539.

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LStrelec had 20 outs to dodge on the river but he was sent out when C. Darwin2 paired the Q♣. ZeGrimReaper cut down, eliminated in 7th. One orbit after C. Darwin2 took out MOST RECENT (C. DARWIN2) C. Darwin2 98, 0 , 0 May 07 2020, 14 Not long ago we brought news of the new Turbo Series on PokerStars C. Darwin2 called with K♠ Q♥ to give LStrelec a chance with his small pair 6♠ 6♣. The J♦ J♥ T♠ flop was huge for C. Darwin2 but he missed the 8♣ turn.

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för 1 dag sedan — Our Lena900 Pocketfives foto-fotoatau lihat Lena900 Pokerstars Pocketfives. C Darwin2' Goes Back-To-Back to Win December PLB Race .

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Darwin2" Mattsson limped in on the button and Wiktor "Iimitless" Malinowski raised to 835,000 for Mattsson to three-bet shove for 7,901,462 which Malinowski called. Simon "C. Darwin2" Mattsson: Wiktor "Iimitless" Malinowski: The flop came for Malinowski to stay ahead with the higher kicker but for Mattsson to pick up a backdoor flush 2021-04-12 · Simon "C.

MTT: 2019 PokerStars Tournament 3159005692 Entrants:105 Buy-In:1000.0 Rake:50.0 Currency:USD Game type:H Structure:NL Flags:B PokerStars Tournament 3161279550 Entrants:269 Buy-In:200.0 Rake:15.0 Currency:USD Game type:H Structure:NL Flags:B PokerStars Tournament 3159005719 Joni "bustoville" Jouhkimainen opened for 240,000 from the button before he called a three-bet jam by Simon "C. Darwin2" Mattsson from the big blind to 1,376,539.
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2016 — C.Darwin2 chipleader med tre kvar i SCOOP-01-H, $226k till vinnaren. PokerStars - $100000+$2000|1500/3000 Ante 450 NL (8 max)  C. Darwin2 Poker Player Profile, C. Darwin2 Online Poker Rankings and Internet Poker Player Stats on pokerstars. MTT: 2020. Cherry Gold Casino Free Play No  25 mars 2019 — Proffset började spela på både PokerStars och Full Tilt Poker och fortsatte att Bortsett från hans framgångar online som C Darwin2 har Simon  C.Darwin2 tar första skalpen i Event 31-H: $1,050 PLO och fick $33 442 för segern.