Mångkultur – Sida 8 – Ted Ekeroth



Kommer Sverige att bli Europas http://www.pr-publishing.com/1234/goodbye-sweden.pdf. SvaraRadera. Svar. Svara. 1 december 2010. Se och hör Pat Condell! En länk till ett video-inlägg gjort av den eminente engelske samhällskritikern Pat Condell: "Goodbye Sweden!" Goodbye Sweden - Adjöss med Sverige!

Goodbye sweden pat condell

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Förmodligen är det så eftersom de flesta svenskar inte ens vet att  More. Copy link to Tweet; Embed Tweet. Goodbye Sweden - Adjöss med Sverige! (Pat Condell) https://youtu.be/rnVZPdpWxZ8 via @YouTube  Swedish woman raped for hours by migrant “children” https://translate.google.co.uk/transl The truth about the “children” swarming into  Goodbye Sweden - Adjöss med Sverige!

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Goodbye sweden pat condell

2010 Godless and Free: self-published: Writer Transcripts of 60 video monologues from between February 2007 and October 2009. 2012 Freedom Is My Religion: self-published: Writer Transcripts of his videos including a 32-page introduction. Formidable Pat Condell ! Son appel à soutenir Israël est plus que justifié, surtout en ce siècle où une nouvelle Bête immonde revient, non plus brune mais de la couleur verte de l’islam. Ci-après, la traduction par Cenator de la dernière vidéo de l’excellentissime Pat Condell, intitulée : « Europe’s last chance » – la dernière chance pour l’Europe 2013-09-23 · No, but there is such a thing as context. In the linked video, Pat Condell says: Sweden has been so “enriched” by Islamic immigration that its women statistically have a 25% chance of being raped in their lifetime.

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Goodbye Sweden - Adjöss med Sverige! (Pat Condell) Fri invandring kan inte kombineras med en välfärdsstat. Islam är problemet - inte de som varnar för islam. Preview Mode Links will not work in preview mode .
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Information om boken: Little Sweden, with fewer than 10 million inhabitants, is committing suicide through mass immigration. Since 1980, this little country has granted residence permits or rights to around 2 million foreigners.

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