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It makes billions Mother is someone who creates by giving birth, nurtures us by feeding and protects us by ensuring safety all the time. He genuinely agreed to his mother fitting into the definition of god. That’s when, I have explained in Hinduism, mother is considered as god and hence we … Hinduism primarily is not a religion it is a way of life like Jainism! The doctrine of Hinduism the philosophy of Hinduism is the oldest in the world. About 3600 years before came Lord Krishna an Avatar of Dwaper Yuga (God manifest in human form).Lord Krishna re-established Dharma (righteousness) rooting out adharma (lawlessness) forever. 2021-03-19 And unlike the religious movements those men started, Hinduism claims no single founder or triggering event. The Hindu Worldview.
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Each adherent may follow a unique philosophy and worship different gods. 2 Nevertheless, in Hinduism, karma is a unifying concept. Hindus believe that karma is the foundation of life. Balinese Hindus worship a lot of gods and demons. The most important one is the trinity of Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. Others are the dewa (= ‘ancestral gods’) or gods who are typical for the Hinduism is the world’s oldest major religion.
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About 3600 years before came Lord Krishna… an Avatar of Dwaper Yuga (God manifest in human form). God is Ekam Sat, Advityam – One Truth, without a Second.
Vikt, 206 g. Författare, Paul Arden. Översättare, Lena Pallin. Översättare, Ylva Åberg.
One of the unique beliefs in Hinduism is that God is not up in some remote, far away heaven, but is instead inside each and every soul, waiting to be discovered.
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The doctrine of Hinduism… the philosophy of Hinduism is the oldest in the world. About 3600 years before came Lord Krishna… an Avatar of Dwaper Yuga (God manifest in human form). God is Ekam Sat, Advityam – One Truth, without a Second.
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In Hinduism the basic concept is that everything is God. There is, fundamentally, no distinction between God and His creation.
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Principles of Hinduism Explained to Non-Hindus - Mohan
There is no room for the existence of Devil or Satan. There is only one power and one presence in the universe, God the Omnipotent. Hinduism teaches Advaita, non-dualism. It says God alone is. This teaching is different from the teaching of only one god. What is Hinduism?Hinduism, the religion of over a billion people, is the world’s oldest religion and the most confusing one to non-Hindus.